Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Did the baby dance last night and laid down for 20 min afterwards... then this morning, temps JUMPED!  But... DH woke me up at about 2am and I didn't really get back to sleep, just dozed, laying still, in bed till 4am (the usual temping time.) 

But I'm still all egg-whitey today, though not as much as yesterday, so I will try to get some action this evening before dinner.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Conflicting symptoms.

Welp, the POAS OPK says one thing and the body says another.  Sorta.

The CM has been saying go, go, go but the OPK says no hurry, mate!  The chart from Fertility Friend is not much help-- I keep temping, and we keep doing the baby dance, but no jumps in progesterone are detected.  If this cycle is like last one, it sure seems like I'll ovulate while I'm away next week.  (ACK!  next week!  gotta get shoes!  suit pants altered!) But according to my body, I should be ovulating nowish. 

Shakes head.  I am so used to being able to control things.  I guess this is just a tiny taste of what it would be like to be a parent-- not truly in control.