Tuesday, September 13, 2011

We're trying to conceive.

Welcome to the journey of two people who would like to make a third.

My name's Impatient One, I'm 39, and I live in the US.  My husband  (DH for dear husband and sometimes dratted husband) is 41.  We've been married three and a half years and we're finally moving forwards on sprouting, babymaking, reproducing, whatever you want to call it.

We have gone through some major ups and downs in the 6+ years we've been together, including buying and selling houses, moving, being laid off for a long time, changing jobs, family medical crises, on top of our own marital issues.  We are stronger than ever though, and I hope adding a little one to the plate isn't as difficult as I fear.

We both have good jobs, though my husband is still planning a major career change which will happen after we have a little one or two-- I'd like to have even three, maybe-- so at least right now we're solid on the financial front.  We own our home (well, the mortgage for it) and we're in good health.  I could stand to lose 20 pounds and so could he, but we're not significantly overweight.

We've even accidentally gotten pregnant before... when we'd been dating about a year... but I miscarried about a week later.  (Miscarry-- such a goofy word-- like a football player, what, did I fumble?)  At the time it was a sigh of relief for me, because I didn't feel ready to be a parent.  Now I look back and hope I find it that easy to get pregnant again, and that I don't miscarry again...

What are we doing to make this happen?  two months ago I started toying with ovulation prediction kits from the drugstore.  First month, I started using the test strips too late into my cycle.  Second month, I made sure we focused lots of ... well, time and attention *grin* on those "you're about to ovulate" days.  I will take a home pregnancy test on the 20th and maybe it will be that easy!

But I started charting this stuff on Fertility Friend and reading through the information there really opened my eyes.  Just because I am supposed to ovulate around a certain time doesn't mean I will-- I could have delayed ovulation.  And we stopped having time and attention too quickly if that was the case.  Or at least stopped having intentional, scheduled and regular time.  (I didn't want to make him feel used!)  Or I could have too short a luteal period.  Or half a dozen other things I don't even know about.

So I bought a basal temperature thermometer and for the last 4 days, have valiantly attempted to remember to take it, at the same time every morning.  Sadly that means I succeeded in taking my temp at 4 different times-- and not just different by a few minutes. And it's in the wrong part of the cycle to show if I have ovulated or whatever.

Anyway, I started reading other ladies' charts, and some blogs by ladies who have not yet had babies... and it made me want to start one too.

Welcome to my life!  Wish me luck!

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